Monday 19 December 2011

Monday Rain

this is my usual reaction during --- MONDAYS ----
it is soooo difficult to face Mondays specially after a long weekend.
it is so tempting to send sms to colleague and tell them that im (bluffing)-sick.

..but what happens to me today was amazing.
i woke up early, got myself the bus on time.
but was not so lucky to reach our pick up point on time.

whew..raining and all that.
the bus gone already.
so i pick up myself and rode the mrt train instead.
rain did not stop.
i left or lost my lavender umbrella.
no choice but to run in going to office.
all soak and wet.
lucky i bring an extra long sleeve polo and change.

so surprising of me i did not turn my heels back and go back home.

the reason is:
i can no longer make an excuses for the whole week because im-going-home.
i have to be ms perfect attendance..=)

so even if it is Monday lazy day.
i have to be unlazy..=P

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